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Satanity Chatroom

Visit the Spiritual Satanist Chatroom here. Now is your chance to ask any questions about Satanism and demonology and talk with other satanists. Click here to get started –

Satanity Chatroom

Spiritual Satanist Chat

Welcome to the Satanity chatroom! This is the supplemental chatroom for the Spiritual Satanist website. We founded our Satanism channel in 2007. Satanity represents all of Satanism, so when you come and chat with us you will meet Satanists from all paths. We also have a Satanity Facebook Fan page, where we discuss current events in Satanism..feel free to join!

Once you join, take a moment to introduce yourself, let us know why you are here. Some of us may be away from the keys so you might not receive an instant reply, but we do read all messages…..

Chatroom Rules:
– This is an adult chatroom and the topic is Satanism. Off topic chatter is not permitted. Discussions on politics, latest news, video games or anything not related to Satanism is not permitted. This chatroom is a place of learning and as such, off topic chatter is a distraction.

– This chatroom is for mostly English speaking people, we don’t understand you if you type in other languages. IRC doesn’t translate languages.

– This chatroom is not the place to find a date hookup, or discuss sexuality. You can go elsewhere for that. Foul, off-topic language is not permitted.

– Excessive flooding or typing one word per line will get you kicked and banned, no questions.

– PRIVATE MESSAGING IS NOT ALLOWED. If its that important then why waste it in a private conversation?

View the SpiritualSatanist SITEMAP to read all my articles on Satanism, magic & demonology

For the most common questions on Satanism, view the Satanism FAQ Page

If you have your own IRC client you can connect with us at irc.dal.net channel #satanity – If you would like to download your own IRC chat program, two of the best ones are mIRC and IceChat

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