Ritual Charging of Your Satanic Altar Space
This ritual charging of your Satanic Altar area will allow you to energize your sacred space with elemental Satanic energies.
This ritual charging of your Satanic Altar space will allow you to energize your sacred space with Satanic energies. This ritual was created to work along with the elements of my other essay, Making and Keeping a Satanic Altar. After you create your altar space, take some time to consecrate it for your ritual and magical use.
This is a simple ritual that only has to be done once. You will be calling on demonic forces from the four corners of the earth into the center of your ritual space. The best time to perform this ritual is during the height of the full moon, so that it represents the lunar energies of completion.
Prepare your ritual space by lighting your Black Altar Candle. Also, light some appropriate incense, perhaps some sage for cleansing, or cinnamon for clearing and renewal.
Use a ritual knife or athame to point towards each direction. As you recite each verse, visualize a ray of energy pulling towards you from each cardinal direction, and the corresponding sigil, moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
Ritual Charging Your Altar Space
First, face southward, point with your ritual knife or athame, and recite: Satan! I call upon you to charge this ritual space with your sacred powers. Energize this ritual space with the force of Earth!
Visualize the ray of dark energy pulling towards you from the south, and also, visualize the pentagram of Satan.
Second, face eastward, point with your ritual knife or athame, and recite: Lucifer! I call upon you to charge this ritual space with your sacred powers! Energize this ritual space with the force of Air!
Visualize the ray of yellow energy pulling towards you from the east, and also, visualize the sigil of Lucifer.
Third, face northward, point with your ritual knife or athame, and recite: Belial! I call upon you to charge this ritual space with your sacred powers! Energize this ritual space with the force of Fire!
Visualize the ray of red energy pulling towards you from the east, and also, visualize the sigil of Belial.
Fourth, face westward, point with your ritual knife or athame, and recite: Lilith! I call upon you to charge this ritual space with your sacred powers! Energize this ritual space wit the force of Water!
Visualize the ray of blue energy pulling towards you from the west, and also visualize the sigil of Lilith.
Return to the south and recite: In Satan’s Name so it is done!
With this ritual chargning you have called upon the four elements and also the four corresponding demons to charge your ritual space. As you recite the words, you visualize the corresponding color and sigil of each demon with your mind, and it brings forth their energies, creating a sacred space.
You may be interested in:
Your Satanic Altar Space – How To Make and Keep an Altar – Instruction on how to create a personal Satanic altar
Ritual Charging for your Black Candle – How to charge your altar candle, the centerpiece of your altar.
Creating Your Own Satanic Rituals – A simple formula that works for creating your own personalized Satanic Rituals.
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