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Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections

Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book
Size: 4×6 inches – pocket sized, take it with you! 138 pages, with a matte cover

Hey! This is the cover reveal for my new book, The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections. I can’t wait for everyone to finally read it! This is a pocket-sized book so you can take it with you wherever you go!

I don’t want to reveal too much, but it’s a prayer book for Spiritual Satanists, with prayers, poetry and classical art, dedicated to Satan’s infernal realm.

There are three sections – teachings on how to pray to Satan, prayers for Satanists, and finally,  poetry for Satan, Lucifer and Lilith. Along with this you will find histories of your favorite Satanic deities.

The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections also has beautiful classical illustrations of denizens of the infernal realm. I am sure that you will cherish this book and use it in your spiritual journey in Satanism.

This book is the foundation for my teachings here at SpiritualSatanist.com – touching on the legends of Satan, Lucifer, Lilith and Belial. I spent the past year creating this book for my fans and for those that are looking for spiritual guidance in Satanism.


Video: The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book!

Below is one of my latest YouTube videos, where I walk you through the concept of this wonderful book, plus I give you a brief preview of what’s inside the Spiritual Satanist’s Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections.

The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections

Review at Quail Bell Magazine!

Recently, the Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book was reviewed at Quail Bell Magazine!

Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections by Venus Satanas is a great beginner’s book for anyone looking to develop a relationship with Satan. Good literature on theistic Satanism is hard to come by, and this book provides you with the most invaluable tool for communicating with Satan: prayer.

Read this great review at Quail Bell Magazine here: Book Review: Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections

Buy Now at the Dark Moon Merchant Shop!
How to Buy: You can buy this book now.. Follow this link to get your own copy today! Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections at my Dark Moon Merchant Shop

Read a Preview:

Read a preview of The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections here:[real3dflipbook id=”1″]

Get it now at the Dark Moon Merchant Shop!

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